In this post I am going to go over some unique web analytics tools, which you might not know of, to assist in the “trinity” of your world class data. Although clickstream analytics tools can reveal behaviors about your users, more often than not you hear at your meetings “WHY” did that happen. These tools simply can’t dig deeper to answer the simple question. I think VOC (voice of customer), customer experience management, and competitive analysis are keywords overused but underutilized. And sometimes that could be because some of the awesome solutions that are out there are not within budget. However, below are some tool that won’t break the budget and can help you measure everything from user behavior, to search engine traffic, site design, and more.
Kampyle Feedback Analytics- This tool is awesome because it manages and analyzes feedback received from their users, and lets the service provider make smart site optimizations that help the online experience. This is a big one; it also integrates into Google analytics. Yes you can now answer the “what” and “why” at the same time!
4Q online intercept surveys- Using online survey’s can help you understand why customers are leaving without purchasing, downloading, or signing up for you awesome newsletters. I think the best question is “what was the purpose of your visit today” some people get shocked to hear the results. For more information watch this video on the product.
Google Optimizer- During these tough economy times optimizing your landing pages/website is a proven means of increasing your conversion rates and improving ROI, which is crucial to your company’s financial growth . The reason why I love this tool is because of just assuming that users like feature you can test it and optimize for a great website experience. (Experimentation and testing might sound big and complex but it is not, please read 64 tips for getting started with Google Website Optimizer.)
Crazyegg- Helps you measure the usability of your site, and understand the difference between where you want your users to click and where they are actually clicking.
103bees-Although this is a hybrid of free and paid, the information is well worth the sign-up. This tool makes it easier to see the long tail keywords, compares keywords within different search engine, search engine rankings, top landing pages, and more.
Last but not least is one of my favorite new tools
Google Insights- Helps you compare search volume patterns across specific regions, categories, and time frames. Although I do use Compete as well, I like the categories and the breakout keyword display. This tools in combined with my ranking report helps me understand the changes within Google and what I should be focusing on.
Well those are the top six tools that I am currently using, what do you think? Do you use other I should know about?
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