Hello brave analysts and marketers out there, have you recently been hearing any of the following comments around the office: “Lets start focusing on measuring visitor engagement. “ or “Can we get an engagement KPI on our dashboards?” or how about this one “Is Time Spent on Site a good indicator of engagement?” (don’t smirk). Well I have heard a lot of buzz about this keyword lately, and although I would love to post about it - I am not really going to touch on the subject of the specifics of measurement here today (if you want to dip into the controversy, please visit Avinash Kaushik’s post “Engagement is Not A Metric, It’s an Excuse” or Eric T. Peterson’s “The Engagement Metric, Defined”). Nope, today we are going to discuss why I registered to become part of Forrester’s database, and also to watch a fun video from Brian Haven from Forrester.
So I was surfing Youtube when I came across Forrester Research section. I will let you get the same experience so please watch the video and take a note of Brian’s experience with Ninetindo’s Wii (it’s only nine minutes, I swear). In the case you can’t see the video properly, please visit A New Approach to Engagement.
Did you watch?... well I will take your word for it. So there is some meaty information there about the challenges and rewards of really sitting down and thinking about what engagement means to your company. So I what I wanted to now know was what is Forrester doing for engagement, and - low and behold - there it was on the homepage and above the fold! They gave me all the reasons why I would give up my email, phone number, martial status, location, job title, and the title to my house (just kidding about the house). Seriously though, it is tough getting a visitor to trust in the value you are offering. And they executed it brilliantly. (Click to Enlarge)
Creating a view of the customer’s relationship with the company and getting to know their behaviors on site is no simple task. But I encourage you to think beyond qualitative data and also start exploring your database. Users are real people who are waiting to engage.
Found the video or the information useful? Let me know what you think about today's post!